I’m encouraging those who are interested in juicing to try the Juice 28 – 28 Day Juice Detox Plan*. I’ll be posting some articles from it’s author , African American Juicing Diva, Carla, to give you more info on juicing in general as well as juice fasting. Here is the first one Enjoy! – Ajima
By Carla Douglin of Raw Raw Life
Juice fasting with freshly made juice may provide а multitude of health benefits, including:
1. Health-promoting live enzymes–the very building blocks of life-that your body needs to receive on а regular basis.
2. While pasteurization has many positive aspects, it may compromise the potential benefits of juicing. The pasteurization process, in fact, may destroy vital nutrients and enzymes. As fresh juice is not pasteurized, the nutrients remain viable from а nutritional standpoint, and the enzymes, which also help in digestion, remain intact.
3. Consuming your daily requirement of fruits and vegetables is often easier if done in the form of juice. While you may have good intentions, time constraints may often lead to not taking the time to eat properly balanced meals throughout the day. Getting up to half of your daily requirement in the form of fresh juice may make this much more manageable despite your varied or busy schedule.
4. Your body may absorb essential nutrients more easily. Moreover, this may be а better alternative after the fast, if your digestive system is particularly sensitive. By incorporating juice, you may be able to reduce your intake of the whole fruits and vegetables that give your system trouble, while still getting the nutrients from them. You can then focus on consuming the whole fruits and vegetables your body can handle.

5. Fasting allows your digestive system а chance to relax, as juice requires less effort to digest. In addition, the juice is absorbed more quickly as well. The result is often а feeling of having restored health and energy.
6. А juice fast may serve as а beneficial detoxification diet, as it aids in the breakdown of abnormal cells, fat, and disease-related tissues. As the toxic materials are broken down, they may be more likely to move through your system efficiently. Ultimately, these unwanted materials may be more thoroughly eliminated from your body.
7. The growth of new cells is routinely promoted and quickened as а result of proper juice fasting. What may be a lesser-known feature, is that the protein level in your blood will likely not fluctuate during fasting. As а result, your body is able to use protein and nutrient reserves as efficiently as possible.
8. In terms of general detoxification methods, fasting with juice is significantly less stressful on your system. Water fasting, for example, is often more difficult to endure. Moreover, the results may include а less than optimal level of protein and nutrients during such а fast, as no nutrients are ingested during the water fast. While detox may be important, it would be advisable to do so in the most health-promoting way possible. Juice fasting or feasting if done properly, provides many of the micronutrients the body needs to perform.
For these reasons, а juice fast may be the ideal way to renew and maintain overall good health!
Note: Pregnant and nursing mothers should never embark on a juice fast, and diabetics or those with blood sugar issues, people with liver or kidney diseases, or other chronic conditions should discuss any dietary changes with their doctor before starting.
* Disclosure: Per FCC regs, I just want to give you a heads up: the book links are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, BWLW receives a portion of the sale. Just one of the ways we are able to keep this movement alive.
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