One of the topics we get the most questions about is belly fat. It’s one of the most popular topics when it comes to weight loss in general because it can be very hard to lose. So, we decided to ask Coach Myya Mixon, someone who’s kept off 100 pounds for more than 10 years, to share her advice for eliminating belly fat. Everyone’s journey is different and there is no one size fits all plan, but it’s always great to hear from those who have walked where we are going, right? (Check out her story to find out more about how she lost the weight.)

Guest Post by Myya Mixon
I am often asked what I did to lose my belly fat. After losing over 100lbs, I lost a substantial amount of belly fat by simply changing my diet and becoming more active, however, I still had some troublesome belly fat that I just could not get rid of. So, I did some research to find out what I was doing wrong and applied these strategies to lose the belly fat .
5 steps to losing belly fat
1. I cut out all sugary drinks and drinks that contained calories. This includes fruit juices, soda, sports drinks and coffee or teas that contained sugar. Instead I increased my water intake to at least 64oz a day.
2. I increased my protein. The increased protein helped me feel fuller longer. I increased my protein intake by eating more lean meats, fish and eggs, and reducing dairy from my diet. Non-processed foods is the best way to go.
3. I increased my physical activity. I exercised at least 5-6 times per week for no less than 45 minutes. I focused on a combination of both cardio and strength training. There were no days that I only did cardio. I also made sure that I spent most of my workout in my fat burning zone. The best way to track this is by using a fitness watch/monitor.
4. I made sure that I got at least 8 hours of sleep. By getting enough rest, it increased my overall energy throughout the day.
5. I eliminated stress! The best way to eliminate stress is by identifying people and/or situations (stressors) and removing them. For stressors that I could not eliminate, I used exercise as a remedy. Stress is a large factor in increased belly fat!
Abdominal Exercises
Contrary to popular belief, abdominal exercises are not the best remedy for eliminating belly fat! Everyone has abs, however, you can’t see them because they are covered by, what I refer to, as a blanket of fat. Of course, it is important to work your midsection and build your abs by doing core exercises, strength training, etc., but working your abs is useless if you aren’t leaning out your belly and midsection in general by focusing on what you are eating. It’s like the saying goes “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Your nutrition is 80% of your overall weight loss result and it the main factor in eliminating body fat. Exercise, on the other hand, contributes to about 20% of your results.
Meal Prepping and Planning
The best way to ensure that your nutrition is on track is by meal prepping and planning. Decide what you are going to eat in advance. Focus on your protein and vegetable intake and be sure not consume too much sugar.
I’m too busy to plan?
I am an extremely busy single parent who has a full-time job, owns a few business and volunteers in my community. I have found that the best way for me to prep my foods is by taking 30 minutes to an hour 1-2 days per week. One day I cook my meats and the other days I cook my veggies. I eliminate time in the grocery store by writing a list and only purchasing what is on that list. My list is written based on the meals I have selected to eat.
Bottom line: Nutrition is the key to eliminating belly fat. No matter how hard and how often you exercise, “you can’t out exercise a poor diet!”
Need Help Getting Started? Check out Coach Myya at for details or to sign up! |
Doreen says
Thank for you information I’ve lost weight , but this belly fat is still on me this is helpful to me. Thank you for sharing😀❤️💕❤️
Tasha says
My Wedding is September 9 2017 and i am over weight. I want to lose 60 pounds plus my stomach. Please help me?
Nicki says
Excellent! Great work. Do you have a sample meal plan we can use ?
Trudy Robinson says
I need to loose at least 100 pounds. I have diabetes and high blood pressure as well as being a cancer survivor. But these things will not stop me. In order for me to reverse these conditions, a lifestyle change is in order. My husband and I went bike riding today, I thought I was going to die!! Move more, eat less is a simple plan that will work for me. Thanks.
NNEKA says
I do Leslie sansone’s 3 mile walk. Will that be enough to make me lose belly fat ?