Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 6
“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.” – Jim Rohn
You can say positive affirmations and write out meal plans. You can read every diet book and listen to motivational lectures. You can talk to your girlfriends about how you are starting on Monday or tell you doctor that you will change your lifestyle to improve your health. None of this means anything without the discipline to take ACTION. Today’s exercise is all about how to have greater discipline on your weight loss journey.
What is discipline?
- Training to act in accordance with the rules.
- An activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill.
- Punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
- Behavior in accord with rules of conduct.
- A set or system of rules and regulations.
Answer these questions…
1. What new activities do you need to engage in to realize your weight loss goals? What rules govern those activities?
- Example: You may need to exercise, but if you only exercise once a week, you may not see results. You may decide to eat clean, but if you can just eat lettuce and tomato for 30 days and have a balanced diet in the long run.
2. What activities can you engage in that will enhance your discipline? What can you do to learn the things you need to know about health and fitness?
- Finding new recipes and cooking them
- Looking up new exercises online and doing them. Learning the proper form for the exercises you’re doing
- Writing down what you eat daily in a food journal.
- Take time to read about nutrition, not just calories counts or bad foods.
3. What are the consequences of you NOT having discipline that you want to avoid?
- High blood pressure and other health issues
- Not being able to fit into your clothing
- Disappointing yourself
- Yo-yo dieting for years
- Less mobility in old age
4. What behaviors are part of your regular habits that are the most undisciplined when it comes to your eating habits and level of fitness?
- Binge eating
- Sneaking food so that your loved ones don’t see you eat it.
- Lying about being on a diet
- Missing workouts or not working out at all
LAST Question: What does discipline look like in your new healthy lifestyle? What do you need to do to be more disciplined, in terms of working out, eating right, etc. Use this list as your ACTION LIST for discipline. It’s key for you to be realistic but also challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone. (Write down at least 5 things)
This lesson is part of a series we’ve put together for our Modifed Daniel Fast.
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