The right tools can help make planning, preparing and enjoying healthy, clean meals easy and efficient. Here are some suggestions… Buy a Good Scale – Most people have the standard measuring bowls and spoons they need, but what if you need to breakdown a package of chicken breasts into 6oz portions? What if you want to […]
preparing meals
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #31: Commit to Your Weight Loss Goals!
This is the last tip in our Weight Loss on a Budget series – Tip #31: Commit to Your Weight Loss Goals! Yo-Yo dieting is expensive. Buying into weight loss plans over and over again is expensive. Gym memberships and personal trainers cost money. Buying pills and supplements for fad diets is expensive. Time is […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #14: Eat Out Less
Tip #14 for our October Challenge is at the top of the list when it comes to losing weight on a budget…”Eat Out Less“!! That’s right, It’s another no brainer. Eating at restaurants is on average more expensive than preparing your own meals at home. You will save money not only on the cost of […]