Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Ebony lost 130 pounds from starting at more than 400 pounds. She found a weight loss plan that worked for her and she embraced exercise, like Zumba and water aerobics. She is celebrating her weight loss victory! Here is her story:
“So, I wasn’t going to post my story so far because I am in the middle of my weight loss journey, but every one has a story to tell, and here is mine. I have been overweight all my life. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood. I made attempts to lose weight before but always gained it back. It’s a funny place to be hating the state your body is in but being so scared to change because you don’t know where the hell you will start, and if you succeed, can you keep it off. The tipping point for me came in 2012. Despite being overweight all my life, it was the first time that I can honestly recall my size causing me difficulties in mobility. I had a hard time fitting in restaurant booths. I didn’t go to movies because of fear of fitting in the seats. I broke the shampoo chair at my local salon. I saw a picture of myself holding my baby niece and I took up half the couch. I knew then I couldn’t go the way I was going. From this would come canes, walkers, oxygen masks, and obesity related diseases and death. I was looking into weight loss surgery but the state revoked the coverage, so I decided in June 2012 to try Weight Watchers.
My starting weight was 410.8 pounds. I also went back to the gym which I hadn’t entered in a year. I started slowly, doing water aerobics and 25 minutes on the elliptical. Then after I lost 25 pounds, I took the plunge and went to my first Zumba class. That was where I found my love for activity. Weight Watchers helped me learn portion control, minor indulgences in moderation, and healthy eating. Now here I am, 19 months later and 130 pounds lighter. I go to the gym 4 days a week. I am down 6 sizes, and have gained self confidence, healthy habits and a new life. I am about 100 pounds from my ultimate goal, but I am blessed and thankful for the journey and success I have had so far. To anyone reading this, know that as long as you have a breath, it’s never too late.”
Jeannie says
I’m so proud of you, Ebony! You are an inspiration to so many people and I am honored to call you my friend.
Teresa says
Ebony, you look absolutely beautiful. Keep on getting it off.
Kim says
You look great and you are doing great!
Surretta says
So happy for you Ebony! I’m so proud and inspired by you! We are getting it done.
Kim says
Great Job gurl!
Eureka says
Great Job Ebony I am where u was in your past at 393. I totally relate to your story. I want to do water aerobics so badly because I feel that’s all I can do right now. Your story has really inspired me to do better and be better. That I can do this without the surgery all my doctors are telling me to get. Ebony God Bless You on your weight loss journey and keep motivating people like me! U look GREAT!:-)
Kenisha says
You are a total rock star! Very proud of you and proud to call you friend!
Ebony says
Thank you so much for featuring my story, and to everyone for the encouraging words of support.
Fiesta says
Ebony, you left me speechless upon seeing you last week. You are an amazing young women. You are inspiring me to do the work of self improvement. Stay encouraged and be blessed!
sharette smith says
Wow!! First let me say congratulations to you Ebony your story is so amazing an inspiring; I am just on the starting road to my Healthy life style” and just reading everyone story on here is such an encouragement for me; I feel like in every story there is part of my own journey in there!
Danette says
Beautiful!! You look absolutely amazing!!!