We featured Gaylon‘s story back in November 2013. Almost a year later, she is back to let us know that she’s lost another 20 pounds for a total of 117 lbs.
I have lost another 20lbs. My total weight loss is 117 pounds. I can’t say enough that daily exercise and portion control is the key. I incorporate fruits veggies and water….all the time! I eat loads of green veggies….all the time! However, I think the most important thing and key to this journey is about loving and valuing yourself. I want the best for me and I love the body I am in.
My advice to others: As women of color we come from a long line of trauma in our histories and families. I encourage us to work thru that, thru therapy, counseling, yoga, meditation…but not food! Surround yourself with where you want to be. My circles consists of close friends, family and my workout/fitness/running groups. My life does not revolve around social events that are not positive or just based on food.
What I have learned from myself is that I am who I what to be….at any given time. I can be proactive and make things happen for me or sit back and let things happen to me. One of my favorite quotes by Maya Angelou: “Love life, engage in it. Give it all you got. Love with a passion, because life truly does give back many times over….what you put into it.”
And one more quote for beautiful black women! “If you are going to rise….you might as well shine.” –author unknown
Read more about how Gaylon lost the pounds.

janice says
you look great!!
Cherie Durrett says
Gaylon you are rocking it my friend, sister. Keep going, we got this. I stuggle so many times. but I got up and dust myself off and kept going. Half ironman here I come. snap, snap
deena says
Amazing! Its like two different people! So great!